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Glossary of Terms


Accessibility: A characteristic of technology that enables people with disabilities to use it. For example, accessible Websites can be navigated by people with visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive impairments. Accessible design also benefits people with older or slower software and hardware. See Section 508.

ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning): Initiative by the U.S. Department of Defense to achieve interoperability across computer and Internet-based learning courseware through the development of a common technical framework, which contains content in the form of reusable learning objects. See also SCORM and the ADL Website.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line): A type of DSL that uses the majority of the bandwidth to transmit information to the user and a small part of the bandwidth to receive information from the user.

AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee): An international association of technology-based training professionals that develops training guidelines for the aviation industry. AICC has and is developing standards for interoperability of computer-based and computer-managed training products across multiple industries. See the AICC Website.

Amplitude: The amount of variety in a signal. Commonly thought of as the height of a wave.

Analog: A signal that's received in the same form in which it is transmitted, although the amplitude and frequency may vary.

AoD (audio on demand): See CoD.

API (application program interface): The set of tools used by a programmer to create a computer program.

Applet: A small application. See also Java applet.

Application: Computer software; also called a program. There are many types of software that fit into the category of application. Application software is distinct from other forms of software, such as operating system and utility software.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interexchange): A computer code in which characters such as letters and symbols are converted into numbers that the computer can understand.

ASP (Active Server Pages): A programming environment that combines elements of HTML and scripting. Webpages built with ASP can change dynamically based on user input.

ASP (application service provider): A third-party organization that supplies software applications and/or software-related services over the Internet. ASPs allow companies to save money, time, and resources by outsourcing some or all of their information technology needs.

Assessment: The process used to systematically evaluate a learner's skill or knowledge level.

Assessment item: A question or measurable activity used to determine whether the learner has mastered a learning objective.

Asset: 1) Intellectual property. See knowledge asset. 2) Hardware and software owned by an organization.

Asynchronous learning: Learning in which interaction between instructors and students occurs intermittently with a time delay. Examples are self-paced courses taken via the Internet or CD-ROM, Q&A mentoring, online discussion groups, and email.

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode): A network technology for high-speed transfer of data. Packets of information are relayed in fixed sizes, enabling smooth transmission. ATM supports real-time voice and video as well as data and can reach speeds of up to 10 Gbps.

Audio bridge: A device used in audioconferencing that connects multiple telephone lines.

Audioconferencing: Voice-only connection of more than two sites using standard telephone lines.

Audiographics: Computer-based technology that enables simultaneous transmission of voice, data, and graphic images across local telephone lines for instructor-learner interaction.

Authoring tool: A software application or program used by trainers and instructional designers to create e-learning courseware. Types of authoring tools include instructionally focused authoring tools, Web authoring and programming tools, template-focused authoring tools, knowledge capture systems, and text and file creation tools.

Avatar: In online environments, a virtual digital image representing a person. In e-learning avatars usually represent the learners. The term comes from a Sanskrit word meaning an incarnation in human form.

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One Step Logic is a Crestron Programmer (CAIP) specializing in Crestron programming, module development, Crestron system design, and touch panel design for residential, commercial, corporate, and government systems.