One Step Logic
17615 Mayall St.
Northridge, CA 91325-1416
Phone: (818) 700 - 7837
Fax: (818) 993 - 9984
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Glossary of Terms
Narrowband: 1) In data transmission, a limited range of frequencies. 2) More specifically, a network in which data transmission speeds range from 50 Bps to 64 Kbps. See also broadband.
Navigation: 1) Moving from Webpage to Webpage on the World Wide Web. 2) Moving through the pages of an online site that may not be part of the WWW, including an intranet site or an online course.
Nesting: Placing documents within other documents. Allows a user to access material in a nonlinear fashion, the primary requirement for developing hypertext.
Net: Common nickname for the Internet.
Netiquette: Online manners. The rules of conduct for online or Internet users.
Netscape Navigator: Browser software that enables users to view Webpages.
Network: Two or more computers that are connected so users can share files and devices (for example, printers, servers, and storage devices).
Newsgroup: An online discussion hosted on the Usenet network. Sometimes also called a forum.
One Step Logic is a Crestron Programmer (CAIP) specializing in Crestron programming, module development, Crestron system design, and touch panel design for residential, commercial, corporate, and government systems.