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Glossary of Terms


Cable modem: A modem that uses cable television's coaxial cables to transmit data at faster speeds than modems using telephone lines.

CAI (computer-assisted instruction): The use of a computer as a medium of instruction for tutorial, drill and practice, simulation, or games. CAI is used for both initial and remedial training, and typically does not require that a computer be connected to a network or provide links to learning resources outside of the course. See also CBT.

Case study: A scenario used to illustrate the application of a learning concept. May be either factual or hypothetical.

CBL (computer-based learning): See CBT.

CBT (computer-based training): An umbrella term for the use of computers in both instruction and management of the teaching and learning process. CAI (computer-assisted instruction) and CMI (computer-managed instruction) are included under the heading of CBT. Some people use the terms CBT and CAI interchangeably.

CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory or compact disc read-only media): A computer storage medium similar to the audio CD that can hold more than 600 megabytes of read-only digital information.

Certification: 1) The awarding of a credential acknowledging that an individual has demonstrated proof of a minimum level of knowledge or competence, as defined by a professional standards organization. Professional certification can be used as a screening tool and verification of an individual's skills and knowledge.
2) Program that evaluates products or tools according to predetermined criteria, such as ASTD's E-Learning Courseware Certification (eCC).

Chat: Real-time text-based communication in a virtual environment. Chat can be used in e-learning for student questions, instructor feedback, or even group discussion.

Chat room: A virtual meeting space on the Internet, an intranet, or other network, used for real-time text discussions. Unlike one-to-one instant messenger applications, chat rooms enable conversations among multiple people at once.

Chunk: (noun) A discrete portion of content, often consisting of several learning objects grouped together. (verb) To separate content into discrete portions or aggregate smaller content elements into customized configurations.

CLO (Chief Learning Officer): The executive with primary responsibility for strategic human capital development. The CLO ensures that all learning investments focus on accomplishing the organization's mission, strategy, and goals; provides a single point of accountability for those investments; develops the corporate learning strategy; creates a culture of continuous learning; fosters communities of practice; integrates training functions; drives cultural transformation; and measures the impact on organizational performance. The CLO increasingly reports to either the CEO or senior vice president of HR. He or she is to learning what the CFO and CIO are to finance and information technology.

Classroom training: See instructor-led training.

C-learning: See instructor-led training.

CMI (computer-managed instruction): The use of computer technology to oversee the learning process, including testing and record keeping.

CMS (content management system): A centralized software application or set of applications that facilitates and streamlines the process of designing, testing, approving, and posting e-learning content, usually on Webpages.

Coaching: A process in which a more experienced person, the coach, provides a worker or workers with constructive advice and feedback with the goal of improving performance. (See also mentoring, which focuses on career development and advancement)

CoD (Content on demand): Delivery of an offering, packaged in a media format, anywhere, anytime via a network. Variants include audio on demand (AoD) and video on demand (VoD).

Codec (coder/decoder): Device used to convert analog signals to digital signals for transmission, and to reconvert signals upon reception at the remote site, while allowing for the signal to be compressed for less expensive transmission.

Collaboration technology: Software, platforms, or services that enable people at different locations to communicate and work with each other in a secure, self-contained environment. May include capabilities for document management, application sharing, presentation development and delivery, whiteboarding, chat, and more.

Common carrier: A government-regulated private company that furnishes the public with telecommunications services (for example, phone companies).

Community: See online community.

Competency management: A system used to evaluate skills, knowledge, and performance within an organization; spot gaps; and introduce training, compensation, and recruiting programs based on current or future needs.

Compliant (standards-compliant): E-learning that meets established standards of, and has received official approval from, an accrediting organization. See also conformant.

Compressed file: A computer file that has been reduced in size by a compression software program. The user must decompress these files before they can be viewed or used.

Compressed video: Video signals downsized to allow travel along a smaller carrier.

Conformant (standards-conformant): E-learning that meets the standards of an accrediting organization but that has not gone through the formal application process to be deemed compliant.

Connect time: The amount of time that a terminal or computer has been logged on to a computer or server for a particular session.

Content: Information captured digitally and imparted to learners. Formats for e-learning content include text, audio, video, animation, simulation, and more.

Convergence: A result of the digital era in which various types of digital information, such as text, audio, and video, and their delivery mechanisms--television, telecommunications, and consumer electronics--are combined together in new integrated forms. WebTV is an example of convergence between televisions and computer technology.

Cookie: Information stored on a user's computer after he or she visits a Website. The cookie tracks data about that user but can be disabled in the browser.

Corporate university: A learning organization with a governance system that aligns all learning with the corporate or agency mission, strategy, and goals. The governance system typically includes a governing board consisting of the CEO and other senior executives and a chief learning officer (CLO) who has overall responsibility for managing the organization's investment in learning. CEOs of best-practice learning organizations leverage their corporate university to achieve performance goals, drive cultural transformation, reform and integrate training departments, and establish and sustain competitive advantage through learning.

Courseware: Any type of instructional or educational course delivered via a software program or over the Internet.

CPU (central processing unit): The part of the computer that contains the microprocessor, power supply, hard drive, and disk drives.

CRM (customer relationship management): Methodologies, software, and Internet capabilities that help a company identify and categorize customers and manage relationships with them.

CSS (cascading style sheets): An HTML feature that enables Webpage developers and users to specify the way a Webpage appears when displayed in a browser, by applying a number of different style sheets to the page. Each style sheet controls a different design element or set of design elements.

Customer-focused e-learning: Technology-based learning programs offered by a company and targeted at their current and prospective customers. The intent is to increase brand loyalty among existing customers and attract new business.

Cyberspace: The nebulous "place" where humans interact over computer networks; term coined by William Gibson in Neuromancer.

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One Step Logic is a Crestron Programmer (CAIP) specializing in Crestron programming, module development, Crestron system design, and touch panel design for residential, commercial, corporate, and government systems.