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Glossary of Terms


IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): An organization whose Learning Technology Standards Committee is working to develop technical standards, recommended practices, and guides for computer implementations of education and training systems.

ILS (integrated learning system): A complete software, hardware, and network system used for instruction. In addition to providing curriculum and lessons organized by level, an ILS usually includes a number of tools such as assessments, record keeping, report writing, and user information files that help to identify learning needs, monitor progress, and maintain student records.

ILT (instructor-led training): Usually refers to traditional classroom training, in which an instructor teaches a course to a room of learners. The term is used synonymously with on-site training and classroom training (c-learning).

IMS (Instructional Management System) Global Learning Consortium: Coalition of government organizations dedicated to defining and distributing open architecture interoperability specifications for e-learning products. See the IMS Website.

Information architecture: A description or design specification for how information should be treated and organized. In Web design, the term describes the the organization of online content into categories and the creation of an interface for displaying those categories.

Infrastructure: The underlying mechanism or framework of a system. In e-learning, the infrastructure includes the means by which voice, video, and data can be transferred from one site to another and be processed.

Instant messenger (IM): Software that lists users' selected "buddies" (friends, family, co-workers, and so forth) who are online and enables users to send short text messages back and forth to them. Some instant messenger programs also include voice chat, file transfer, and other applications.

Instructional designer (ID): An individual who applies a systematic methodology based on instructional theory to create content for learning.

Integration: Combining hardware, software (and, in e-learning, content) components together to work as an interoperable system. The process of integration may also include front-end planning and strategy.

Intellectual property: An idea, invention, formula, literary work, presentation, or other knowledge asset owned by an organization or individual. Intellectual property can be protected by patents, trademarks, service marks, and/or copyrights.

Interactive media: Allows for a two-way interaction or exchange of information.

Internet: An international network first used to connect education and research networks, begun by the US government. The Internet now provides communication and application services to an international base of businesses, consumers, educational institutions, governments, and research organizations.

Internet-based training: Training delivered primarily by TCP/IP network technologies such as email, newsgroups, proprietary applications, and so forth. Although the term is often used synonymously with Web-based training, Internet-based training is not necessarily delivered over the World Wide Web, and may not use the HTTP and HTML technologies that make Web-based training possible.

Internet Explorer: Browser software that enables users to view Webpages.

Interoperability: The ability of hardware or software components to work together effectively.

Intranet: A LAN or WAN that's owned by a company and is only accessible to people working internally. It is protected from outside intrusion by a combination of firewalls and other security measures.

IP (Internet Protocol): The international standard for addressing and sending data via the Internet.

IP multicast: Using the Internet Protocol, delivery of a learning event over a network from a single source to multiple participants.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network): A telecommunications standard enabling communications channels to carry voice, video, and data simultaneously.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization): An international federation of national standards bodies. See the ISO Website.

ISP (Internet service provider): A hosting company that provides end user access to such Internet services as email, the World Wide Web, FTP, newsgroups, and so forth.

IT (information technology): The industry or discipline involving the collection, dissemination, and management of data, typically through the use of computers.

ITFS (Instructional Television Fixed Service): Microwave-based, high-frequency television used in educational program delivery.

IT training: A combination of desktop training and information systems and technical training. Includes training in areas such as system infrastructure software, application software, and application development tools.

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One Step Logic is a Crestron Programmer (CAIP) specializing in Crestron programming, module development, Crestron system design, and touch panel design for residential, commercial, corporate, and government systems.